His Word is sufficient, it is complete.
May 03 in The Word
I found this book extract (unfortunately I have been unable to trace its source) :
‘There were two men walking on a lake of ice, the first one tiptoes on it and moves to get off quickly, he is scared, timid, nervous and afraid to venture out … constantly looking for cracks in the ice, wondering whether the ice will hold him. The second walks confidently along the ice and sits on the ice to fish, because he knows the ice. Both men were just as safe. … The first mirrors the life of little faith; timid, nervous, afraid to venture out on the Word of God, his eyes constantly searching for cracks in God’s promises, fearing that God may at any moment abandon them. There is no joy or excitement in their walk. Now picture the second man, the fisherman; unafraid to step out on the ice, boldly venturing to the very middle, enjoying himself, resting his entire weight on the ice. You have seen a few Christians like that: they boldly step out on the promises of God, unafraid in the middle of His will, filled with joy and satisfaction, resting on the Word of God who cannot lie.
That’s the life of great faith = He knows the ice!!
“And those who know Thy name will put their trust in Thee” Psalm 9:10 “The people who know their God will display strength and take action” Daniel 11:32.
True faith is authenticated by its object, and the only valid object is God. The secret of faith is knowing God, and the greater our knowledge of Him and His Word, the greater will be our faith.’
He has given us every resource, but there is a process and unless we are feeding on His Word we will not be allowing Him to direct our thoughts and actions.
Last year we celebrated 800 years since the Magna Carta; a man on television described it as an unseen banner by which we live our lives. The Bible should be the same to us, our unseen banner by which we live.
His Word is sufficient. It is complete.