You have stayed at this mountain long enough
Apr 12 in General
Kairos (definition): A perfect, critical, crucial moment; a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action or decision (words or movement); an appointed season. The time that God acts. Creates the opportune atmosphere for action.
“Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration…”
When it is TIME.
There comes a time in every pregnancy when the baby has come to full term and it is time for him/her to be birthed. There was a time for Joseph to end his time of captivity and enter into his appointed destiny. A time for Abraham to leave the safety of his father’s house and undertake a journey by faith, with no clear destination to a promised future for him and his family. A time for David to come out of exile and become King; a time for Ruth to leave to a foreign land and an unknown future; a time for the Jews to be released from their Babylonian exile and return to the Promised Land. A time for the Israelites to leave Mount Horeb and move into God’s promises. God’s Kairos time.
It is scary. The jump from the old to the new always requires courage, as we take a risk on an uncertain future whilst leaving the familiar, the safety of what we know. This leap of faith also requires a release of things/people that cannot come with us into this next new chapter.
Of what things can we be certain? There will be opposition, those who will try to convince us that the move is foolish. There will be doubts that will give us every reason to question the wisdom of our decision. There will be fear, of failing, of getting it wrong, of looking silly, of not being in control. There will be a need to release the old in order to be free to take hold of the new. Sometimes I can be my biggest obstacle to change, in which case, the following questions might help:
What are my fears? What can go wrong? If these were to happen, what would be my course of action? If I don’t do it, will I regret it later? Have I prayed it through at every stage? Do I have a Word, a promise to stand on when things get hard? The Israelites having endured the hardships of Egypt complained on their way to the Promised Land, only choosing to remember the delicacies they had left behind.
Change of any kind is never easy, however, can also be truly exciting and is always a chance for growth and personal transformation, whatever the consequences. No experience is ever wasted and of one thing we can be certain: we do not walk alone. ‘For God Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”.
‘For everything there is a season.’ It is a matter of knowing when the time is ripe and then with ears attentive to His Word to be willing to take the leap at His direction, for a new horizon beckons.
“And again: I will put My trust in HIM”